Multiplying Christ-like Leaders in the Philippines

What happens when you invest in developing leaders in your place of work, ministry, neighborhood? They become mentors and disciple-makers of leaders! Pastor Roli, who has mentored and developed leaders in the Philippines for years, has the joy of seeing Christ’s leadership multiplying across his country. One of his mentees, Pastor Noel, recently shared about his own mentoring ministry in the Philippines.

“The Lord spoke to me and that changed everything.”

In October, Pastor Noel led a couples retreat for 9 couples to discuss how their marital relationship affects their ministry and church. It was followed by a seminar titled “Ministry Burn Out” for 29 pastors and church leaders that allowed introspection for them to discover how their ministries were being affected by burn out and what they can do to prevent and treat it. 

33 pastors and ministry leaders attended a one-day seminar on Mentoring leaders and concluded they needed more time! They will be scheduling a longer conference in the near future to deepen their understanding of how to develop leaders to lead like Jesus. Pray that even more pastors and ministry leaders will be able to attend and be richly blessed through this time.

“This seminar is truly intended for me.”

The mentoring that is occurring in these seminars is already bearing fruit – pastors and leaders have gone home and begun mentoring in their areas of ministry! Please pray for changed hearts and for God to be glorified as they minister and mentor.