The MentorLink Institute Process

The vision is to develop leaders who lead like Jesus led, who will, in turn, develop generations of leaders to lead like Jesus. The concept of mentoring is not new, but looking at how Jesus led, and making that accessible to thousands of developing leaders throughout the world within a relatively short time IS pioneering.

Through the network of our partners and mentors, we will seek to qualify, approve and orient mentors. Finding Christ-centered mentors is critical.

Because we are using a relational approach to find qualified Mentors, we only accept Mentors who are recommended by our partners or other mentors.

The process primarily involves three groups of people:


These are men and women who want to connect with the character and heart of leading like Jesus in a small group setting with a qualified Mentor. A Mentee is required to apply, go through Mentee Orientation, and commit to a Mentor Group. Mentees will participate in 6 mentoring gatherings facilitated by their mentor, including pre-work before the gatherings.


These are individuals of character who follow Jesus and have longevity in leadership and life. Whether in the marketplace, male or female, they have a strong desire to help others grow in Christ. Mentors first go through a mentor group as a mentee then goes through Mentor Orientation. They then take responsibility for the organization and logistics of their group and facilitate 6 gatherings of their Mentor Group. If they choose they can go to more modules that are available.


Organizations that want to be a Partner with the MentorLink Institute can contact Institute leaders to learn more. Partners are typically a denomination, church, business, mission board, or ministry that is Christ-centered and wants to promote the project. After the application process, accepted organizations affirm all the responsibilities of a Partner. They can recommend Mentors and even use the MentorLink Institute process and materials with its own members.

The heart of the MentorLink Institute process is bringing people together to accelerate the development of leaders who lead like Jesus led. If your heart beats for personal spiritual development and developing Christ-centered leaders we have a place for you.